
Randy Huett   -  

If you have a dog, one thing you know is that they are usually very excited when you come home. It doesn’t matter if you have been away 15 minutes or 15 days, they are happy to see you. If they could talk they might say. “They’re here, they’re here, they are finally here. I have been waiting with expectation and longing and they are finally here! I finally get to be in their presence and sit on their lap.” “They will feed me and pet me, it will be wonderful.”

Jesus said – John 4:23 (NASB95) “But an hour is coming, and now is, when the true worshipers will worship the Father in spirit and truth; for such people the Father seeks to be His worshipers.

The Father is seeking a certain kind of worshiper: someone who worships in spirit and in truth, worshipers who are all-in and totally committed to worship and worshipers who are enthusiastic and engaged in worship. Like dogs who are always happy to see you are the people of God who worship in spirit and in truth.

The kind of worshiper God is seeking has enthusiasm and a commitment to truth. We must worship God, His way not our way and according to His truth, not our experience. All-in, fully committed. Like a dog!

Some of us worship like cats. “What are YOU doing here? You always disturb my special napping time”, “Yes, you may pet me, but if you pet me one too many times, I will probably scratch you and run away”, “ Is this the best food you’ve got?” “I’ll eat it, but I am gonna gripe and pick at it”or “ You realize you’re lucky to have me.”

So, in relationship to what God Himself is seeking as worshipers, what kind of a worshiper are you?

I love you all.

I am allergic to cats.

Pastor Randy