Be A Friend

Tim Sewalt   -  

We had an awesome Friend Day this Sunday! There were over 500 people in attendance and so many new faces. So, it was a massive success because YOU invited your friends! YOU volunteered to serve those friends and family. YOU got to show your friends and our guests a glimpse of what friends who love Jesus do together: we celebrate, love and serve each other! Thank YOU!

In the spirit of Friend Day and Randy’s sermon on friendship. I wanted to share about one of my friends who changed my life.

“As iron sharpens iron, so one man sharpens another.” Proverbs 27:17 NIV

“Wounds from a friend can be trusted, but an enemy multiplies kisses.” Proverbs 27:6 NIV

I was a teenager when I met Greg. He was one of my friend’s dad from church. His family is very involved in our church; his family was and still is very close to Randy and Tina. So, when I started dating Lauren, I quickly realized that I inherited the watchful eye of Greg too.

Greg was very inquisitive, “what do you do son?” There was always a question anytime I saw Greg. I felt like he wanted me to know he was watching me. I was kinda scared and intimidated of him at first. I would often avoid him at church. “What’s your plan for your life son?” “What are you going to do for work?” “What does the future look like for you and Lauren?” “What’s God telling you to do?” Eventually I started answering questions, and found out he really cared about Lauren, but he cared deeply for me too. He became an encouragement to me, by challenging me to answer some important questions that a young man needs to answer. He challenged me to make sure I was moving forward in my life the way God wanted me to. He challenged me to think about the responsibilities of what it meant to be a man that could be a good husband.

One day he found out I had got engaged to Lauren, but I still had a really bad part time job with no plan. He didn’t find out from me! I had a pretty good idea of how dumb he was going to think I was! And he let me know it. The fact was, I was young, dumb and broke. That same week Greg called me and said “ Boy, there is a job that you’d better apply for. Here’s the website. I’d better hear that you filled this out and applied when I see you on Sunday.” So I did what the man said! He called me a few weeks later: “Alright Tim you’ve got an interview on this day. I’ve done a lot of talking for you, but the rest is up to you. Don’t mess it up.”

So I did my best, and I got the job. I spent the next 15 years at Oncor Electric delivery in many different roles, but I was most proud when I became a Journeyman Lineman, just like Greg. Even throughout my 20 years of knowing Greg there were days I wanted to avoid his challenges, but I knew it was because he loved me, he believed in me, and he saw in me more than I saw in myself.

At the peak of my career at Oncor, a company he spent most of his life at, Greg always was challenging me to work in a way that people could see Jesus. I am so grateful Greg saw value in being a friend to a young, dumb, know it all Tim Sewalt. He sharpened me. Greg challenged me, and sometimes wounded my pride. Greg was a true friend to me and he patiently loved me and showed me what Jesus was like. Greg Johnson has been in heaven with Jesus for a couple of years now and I miss him dearly. But I am so grateful for his friendship and the investment he made in me.

Jesus had transformed Greg’s life and Jesus used Greg to help transform mine. You can do that for someone else too, but it will take investment, patience and a love fueled by the transforming love of Jesus.

 “This is My commandment, that you love one another, just as I have loved you. 13 “Greater love has no one than this, that one lay down his life for his friends. 14 “You are My friends if you do what I command you.”

John 15:12-14 NASB

Go out and be a friend this week!

I love you!

-Tim Sewalt