48 Years! Whew…

Randy Huett   -  

Yesterday Tina and I celebrated our 48th wedding Anniversary. Wow, how time flies when you are having fun. I am so blessed to have married a wonderful, beautiful woman who truly loves Jesus with all of her heart. She has faithfully been standing by my side through all these years of pastoring. She is a great pastor and lover of people and she really cares. It would’ve been very difficult to fulfill my calling without her with me all the time. I think impossible.

Proverbs 18:22 (NASB95)

22 He who finds a wife finds a good thing And obtains favor from the Lord.

We have had a few struggles, that’s marriage and that’s life. In them and finally through them we have always stayed committed to the Lord and to each other. We made a commitment and promises to the Lord and to each other 48 years ago and we plan to fulfill them with the strength that He gives. This has allowed us to see our children grow and have families of their own. I am truly blessed.

I love you always Tina.

Church family, I love you too,

Pastor Randy