For What?

Randy Huett   -  

With social media we get to see pictures and videos of things that are a real waste of time and we also see some pretty incredible things. I watched a video of some really brave people rescuing a person from a burning car. They were able to rescue them with just seconds to spare before the car went up like a bomb.

If your life is saved in some kind of dramatic rescue it is a truly life changing event. You would have died, but you didn’t because someone intervened. For the rest of your life, you can look back with appreciation and wonder at the life you have now because of that moment.

That rescue event is important, very important, but you were not just saved from death you are saved to life. Considering you own eternal salvation experience, think how that event opens the door to a whole new life. It’s just the beginning.

Jesus used the term “born again” to describe the salvation event where we are delivered out of the kingdom of darkness into His kingdom.

Colossians 1:13 (NASB95) For He rescued us from the domain of darkness, and transferred us to the kingdom of His beloved Son.

The saving event is amazing and absolutely necessary (you must be born again), but it is just the beginning of an eternal journey into the nature and character of Jesus. It doesn’t start in heaven, it starts the moment you are born again. You aren’t just saved from something, sin, hell and all that, you are saved for something. For what? For the kingdom of God, for God’s own purpose and glory and for kingdom of God stuff like being fishers of men and fully experiencing and knowing the love of Christ that has been shed abroad in our hearts.

We are not just saved “from” we are saved “for” something. Something glorious!

I love you, Pastor Randy