Revival is Not Political

Randy Huett   -  

At the founding of our nation, less than 10% of the population identified as Christian. Yet after a spiritual awakening that swept our nation from 1810 to 1840 that number of confessing Christians was almost 40 percent. This did not happen politically, it happened one person, one life, one soul at a time. Through the preaching of the gospel and the living of the gospel there was a shift that took place that still affects us today to a great degree.

The early church faced the same reality. Greatly outnumbered and mostly considered illegal to be a Christ follower. Yet they preached the gospel boldly and at great cost and demonstrated the love of Christ by how they cared for discarded children, how they cared for each other and even those who despised them. Praying for their enemies as Jesus did.

The hope of America is not political. It is Jesus. Revival is not just about lost people getting saved, it is, but before that it is about saved people getting re-focused into the gospel message. God’s people back on the mission of loving God with all their heart, soul and strength, and their neighbor as theirselves.

Between the lost world who doesn’t know God or understand His plan and the people who claim the name of Jesus, who do you thing God expects to use to bring revival?

Tag we are it!

I love you, Pastor Randy