New Year

Randy Huett   -  

Someone said that the definition of insanity is doing the same thing, but expecting different results. And here we are on the starting line of a new year, each wanting progress and change, possibly transformation. Lose a few pounds, get in better shape, do better with your money, maybe even grow spiritually in your walk with Christ. The list can go on and on. This challenge comes to us every year and most of us have quite a memory of pounds regained, gym memberships unused and promises unkept.

What can make this year different?

Don’t forget the value of small changes. We get caught up in the pomp and circumstance of it all and instead of losing a few pounds it becomes 25 pounds in 2 weeks. When little changes can make a big difference. A few minutes a day in God’s word, a little time to pray and connect. The gym is not bad, but what if you just started walking a bit every day. Saving a little bit of money will add up much quicker than saving none! Set some priorities based on your values, set some goals based on your priorities and remember this great verse;

Proverbs 24:16 (NASB95) For a righteous man falls seven times, and rises again, But the wicked stumble in time of calamity.

Get up, dust yourself off and try again.

I love you, Happy New Year. Pastor Randy