DAY 02.
Who’s our father? The Father, in Heaven!
Next, Jesus says “Holy is Your name.” Some translations say “May your name be kept Holy.” What does that mean? What does it mean to keep God’s name Holy? This is an acknowledgement that He is the Holy One. There is no one like Him. There is no one worth of worship besides Him. Can you believe creator God Yahweh wants to connect with us? It’s mind blowing! When I pray this part of the Lord’s prayer I use it as a time to say “God help me to grasp who you are and help me to accept that you want to be known by me. I want to know you God!” Today let’s spend some time thinking and meditating on His greatness and how he wants to be present in our lives and known intimately by us.
There is power in God’s name. Here is a list of some of His names to help us worship Him specifically and personally:
• God is Righteousness—He makes me clean
• God is Sanctifier—He has called me and set me apart
• God is Healer—He heals all my diseases
• God is Banner of Victory—He defeated my enemies
• God is Shepherd—He speaks to me and leads me
• God is Peace—He is my peace in every storm
• God is Provider—He supplies all of my needs
The name of the LORD is a strong tower; the righteous man runs into it and is safe.
Speak God’s names out loud. When we proclaim who He is, we not only worship Him, but we also remind ourselves how powerful and great He is.
Father, I ask that you would show me your glory. Reveal yourself to me. Help me to grasp your holiness. Help me to be fascinated by your greatness and humbled by your love for me. There is no one like you God. There is no one or thing worthy of my worship but you. Show me the areas of my life where I have not put you first and help me by your grace to worship you with all of my life.