DAY 09.

Tim Sewalt   -  



Today, we are visiting this phrase of the Lord’s Prayer again: “Holy is Your Name.” The first step in knowing someone, is knowing their name. We don’t normally ask people we have no interest in knowing what their name is. God wants us to know Him, so He has chosen to reveal His name to us, because He wants to be personal with us! Isn’t that amazing?

There is a lot to a name. Thats why parents take great care in naming their kids. A name is the essence of who some one is. It reveals something about them, where they are from, and maybe what their parents believe and hope for them. God reveals His name to us to tell us who He is and what He is like, because He wants to be known.

When we see who God is, we see there is no one like Him. Knowing Him changes us. Jesus came to make God’s name known to us so that we would be transformed. This is what He says in a prayer to God in John 17:26:

‘and I have made Your name known to them, and will make it known, so that the love with which You loved Me may be in them, and I in them.”’
John 17:26 NASB

Jesus wants us to know the Father in a way that the love that the Father has for Jesus will be ours too and live in us. That we would be transformed by knowing God’s name and nature.

Jesus lived to reveal the Father, His name, the very essence of who He is. Jesus has now called us (now that we know Him) to make His name known to our families, so that the love which He loves us with causes them to ask Jesus to live in them. With our lives we say “His name is Holy, there is no name like the name of Jesus.”

Take some time to worship God’s Holy Name. His character. His attributes. His love. Thank God for the name of Jesus, the only name under heaven that saves us:
‘And there is salvation in no one else; for there is no other name under heaven that has been given among mankind by which we must be saved.” ‘
Acts 4:12 NASB

Then, pray for the people in your family. Ask God to make Jesus known to them. That they would encounter God and He would be as real to them as He is to you. Ask for God to use you to reveal the power, the Holiness and the love of the name of Jesus.

Jesus, I thank you for your name. You are God with us. You are God my salvation. You are my peace. Jesus your name is above every other name. Help me to live in a way that lifts your name up for my family to see how wonderful you are and how you have transformed my life. God I pray that my family tastes and can see that you are so good. May they see you and surrender to your wonderful love. Amen.