DAY 15.
It’s day 15! Today we are starting our 3rd week of praying the Lord’s Prayer together. This week we will be centering our prayer on what God wants to do through me in my world. What does God want to happen in my friend’s lives, my environment at work, and the many different lives I touch everyday? Well, the simple answer is that all of the people in your life would be blessed by getting to know Jesus because of you. I think its crazy, that instead of just telling people Himself, God uses people like you and me to communicate who Jesus is. That just shows how much God loves relationship. He wants love and relationship to be the engine that tells the world about what He is like and what His love is like.
This week choose some people in your world to pray for, just like you did with your family last week. Ask God for His Holy Spirit to move with you as you go to work, school and all the other places you go. Ask for eyes to see the people around you the way He does. They are His children! And He is our Father! Pray that the Holy Spirit draws them and that God would use you to introduce them to Jesus. This is how God wants to change the world: Jesus, in you, reaching out to them.
‘For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life. For God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but to save the world through him. ‘
John 3:16-17 NIV
God, I thank you that you made me me, so that I could introduce people to your Son Jesus. I confess and declare that the position where I am at my job, in my neighborhood, my school and all the relationships in my life are not coincidence, but a part of your plan. Our Father, bring your children to yourself. Bless them, draw them to yourself and use me to tell them about Jesus. Amen.