DAY 18.

Tim Sewalt   -  



Today we are praying: “give us today our daily bread.” Since we started praying through the Lord’s Prayer together, we have prayed this over ourselves and over our families. Today I want us to turn even more outward and pray for the people in your world. Even in this third way we are approaching this prayer, we are following Jesus’ example, because He says: “Give us our daily bread..” Jesus prays telling us that God is our Father. So, He models praying for not just our needs but the needs of others.

No doubt, you are probably aware of some of the needs of the people around you. It could be employment, provision, health issues or relationship issues. You have great power to make a difference in your world just by praying for the needs of the people in your life. Jesus says this in John 14:

‘Very truly I tell you, whoever believes in me will do the works I have been doing, and they will do even greater things than these, because I am going to the Father. And I will do whatever you ask in my name, so that the Father may be glorified in the Son. You may ask me for anything in my name, and I will do it. ‘
John 14:12-14 NIV

Jesus prayed for people, and they were healed. Jesus prayed for provision and miracles happened. Jesus prayed for people and they came back to life! He tells us here, “you’ll do it too and then some.” Does that sound crazy to you? It does to me!

Lets go back to why God has you where He has you. There’s people in your life and world that He wants to show His glory to. So, when we pray for those people in Jesus name that God comes through for their needs and is glorified in their lives, He says He will do it! HE wants to show up for those people, because He loves them. Because He loves them, He puts people like you in their lives to love them and pray for them.

Here’s something else that is common when we are talking about the relationships in our lives that make up our world: enemies. Yeah, some of us have haters in our life. People who are not just difficult, but seek to make our lives difficult. Jesus says this in Matthew 5:

“You have heard that it was said, ‘Love your neighbor and hate your enemy.’ But I tell you, love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you,’
Matthew 5:43-44 NIV

Jesus says love your enemies! That kinda sucks. Here is an unsettling truth: Jesus loves your enemy, thats why He put you in their lives. Doesn’t seem fair. I agree. But if we take a moment and remember that while we were enemies, Jesus died for us to make us His friends, it turns “fairness” upside down. Jesus invites us to be like Him toward our enemies. He gives us a simple way to do that: pray for them. There is something about praying for someone that turns our heart towards them. It softens us, and when we spend time with God He gives us His eyes for people. I know God knows this, and thats why He tells us to pray.

Take some time today and lay out the needs of the people in your life before God. Pray for blessing in every part of their life. Pray that they see God’s hand in their life. Pray that they would be transformed by His love for them. Pray that they get everything that you have received from life with Jesus.

Jesus, thank you for teaching us how to pray. Thank you for showing us how to be like you. Father you sent Jesus to tell me of your love, and now Jesus, you have sent me to tell of your love. I am sent by you to pray for the people you are pursuing in my life. Show up in their lives. Bring your blessing. Bring your favor. Bring your presence, so that they would see your hand and your goodness. May they find life in you and trust in your mighty name Jesus. Amen.