What we now call Life Community Church began at Love Field Airport in 1979 and was called the “Love Club”. It was begun by two Christ for the Nations students, Billy and Bruce Gibson who worked for Southwest Airlines. They were winning people to Christ and didn’t know which church to send them to so they started the “Love Club” meeting in the Executive Inn. Through a series of events they ended up meeting at the Holiday Inn on Centerville in Garland (now a parking lot).
In August of 1981 Randy and Tina Huett came to what was then called New Life Center to pastor the young group of believers. There were about 35 people at the Holiday Inn when Randy and Tina came. In 1982 we bought land and built a building in Sunnyvale on Beltline Road. In 1999 we moved to the former Spaghetti Warehouse office building. In 2006 the Lord bless us the miracle of these beautiful 14 acres in Sunnyvale. Several things happened, first the State of Texas bought our building giving us considerable profit. We were able to buy the land from the Hennard Family Trust. The land has been in the family since it was originally received as a headship of 660 acres to Peter Lawrence in 1850. They sold the land to us well below market value and we were able to build this building.
The vision that Randy and Tina had was to have a church that could do church the way the bible says without the constraints of a religious tradition. The most important qualifier for what a church should be was, “What does the bible say”. Their desire was to effectively reach out to this generation. There were several things that made New Life Center unique, one was the style of worship, we had a band and sang choruses “off the wall” in a casual atmosphere. Randy is a teacher and focused on the practical application of scripture to everyday life. We purposely scheduled to free people up to minister by not having Sunday night services and by starting LifeGroups.
We have continued to pursue a pattern of, “What does the bible say” instead of just doing things because we have always done them. We want to reach this generation with the good news of Jesus Christ and help them mature into effective followers of Christ. Our goal has never been to be different than other churches but to be the church that God has called Life Community Church to be.
We invite you to come and grow with us.
The story of Randy & Tina Huett coming to Life Community Church forty three years ago.
EST. 1979