Here's the missions and missionaries we support throughout the year.

Bob & Chrissy Godwin


The Godwin family has been serving as missionaries since 1994. They served in Mongolia for over 18 years – pastoring, coaching and mentoring leaders, church planting, working with women in prostitution, women’s prisons, bible school and training of emerging leaders. Never dreaming that they would leave the work in Mongolia, God began to put into their hearts that He was bringing change.  In 2013, during the World Missions Summit in Fort Worth Texas the Godwin’s heard Omar Beiler, speak about the great need in Estonia – described as the “Least Religious Nation in the World”. Within a years time Bob and Chrissy knew God was calling them to go to Estonia to be a part of planting the Church among the unreached of this nation. Bob and Chrissy are leading a Church planting team – “Reach Estonia” – and are now in the process of planting LIFE church in west side of the capital city of Tallinn.

Jay Newson


Hope of the World’s mission is to spread the Gospel of Jesus Christ to the lost of the world and it accomplishes it in two ways. First and foremost, we preach the Gospel to the lost and disciple the church in all of the areas we work in. And secondly, the ministry partners with and supports native ministries in those areas to insure that the Gospel moves forward on an ongoing and continual basis. For over a decade now Hope of the World has been actively involved in Asia, East Africa, Central / South America and Europe. We have seen hundreds of pastors and church leaders attend the leadership seminars making an ongoing and widespread difference in the areas we are working in. We have seen literally hundreds of miracles of healings, people being delivered from bondages, and lives being changed.

Mark & Carrie Qualls


The Great Commission is the compelling command behind our desire to make disciples. We are a family of six from Texas who love Jesus and for reasons known only to him are called to this amazing ministry.

We have been appointed by our agency Crossworld to serve as disciple-makers to foster the growth of the church in South Africa.  Partnering with the International College of Bible and Missions as IT manager (as well as other roles) Mark will help prepare pastors and lay-leaders for the work God has for them through all of southern Africa. There are plenty of opportunities to disciple new believers as well as reach out to the un-churched in southern Africa. 

The Door - Life & Pregnancy Center

The Door’s mission is to share the love of Jesus by providing resources and life skills training to individuals impacted by a pregnancy.

Our Calling

OurCalling is a homeless solutions provider focused on ending homelessness in Dallas. Whether someone wants help off the street, or wants to trust Jesus with their life, our teams are equipped to help. We operate an outreach center in Dallas where we provide support services for hundreds of people every day such as: meals, laundry, showers, clothing resources, recovery classes, Bible studies, and opportunities to get off the streets. In addition to our brick and mortar building, OurCalling’s Search & Rescue Teams drive around Dallas and meet homeless individuals and encampments and offer them opportunities off the street.

Grace Johnson

Himalayan Evangelical Mission (HEM) | INDIA

“Reaching the unreached and telling the untold”
HEM mission includes 1. Church Planting.
2. Child Development Programs.

Wieslaw Ziemba
Wieslaw Ziemba


Wieslaw Ziemba is a pastor that serves his community in Lignita, Poland. His love for Christ has transformed many churches and leaders throughout Poland and surrounding countries.



10:8 represents Matthew 10:8, “…Freely you have received; freely give.” Throughout the year, we have special missions we would like to bless. From emergencies to special missionaries. You can give towards that here.

"...Freely you have received; freely give."
Matthew 10:8
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